Creation vs Consumption
Hey there,
I’ve got a quick question for you…
Are you currently spending 80% of your time in creation mode or are you just going deep with consumption… you know, things like buying a bunch of coaching, courses and just spending hour upon hour watching things and learning…
without implementing them?
I know… it sucks when you recognize this. Hell, right now I have 8 different tabs open in my Chrome browser right now.
Are they all for creation? Sadly, no.
That’s why I decided to write this post right now. You know, to CREATE instead of just consuming content constantly.
Being online, creation leads to freedom. The more you create, the more opportunity you have to leverage what you created into cash for your life.
sidenote: Of the 14 tabs that are open here’s what they look like… 2 of these are ClickFunnels (where i’m working on the creation of a duplicatable sales funnel for Chiropractors to generate leads and the funnel to sell this funnel to Chiropractors) Another 2 are open for BaseCamp (since i’m learning how to use it and setting it up so I can have teams working in the background), 1 is the Facebook Ads Manager because that’s where a lot of my money is made, 1 is of the systems for automating SEO so I can have my team run it(by adding it into basecamp when I figure it out), 1 is this article and another is so I can create a cool image for this particular post.
How about you? Look up top there and check out how many tabs you have open right now.
How many of them are for creation? How many of them are for consumption?
No, watching cat videos on YouTube isn’t creation… unless you created the video and just finished uploading it. But that’s besides the point.
My point is to periodically stop throughout your day and look at what you’re spending your time doing… and then to re-align with the creation aspect.
That way, you can get more done and get to selling your content. Which will allow you to live a badass life.
Have a great day, night, whatever the time happens to be right now.